Observations, Tech, Humor

To salvage the blog links or not

Some are very out of date, but here’s a few gems that tickled my fancy from the past few months. I wouldn’t have taken the effort to put them here if I didn’t think you’d find something to appreciate. Enjoy! Laugh


Physics the Next President Needs to Know | Wired Science

Stop Government Interference With Science : NPR

Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

Scientists discover new forest with undiscovered species on Google Earth - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Drillers break into magma chamber - VERY impressive, reminds me of journey to the center of the earth. Any “Vernians” among us?

Baby born during trans-Atlantic flight to Boston - Yahoo! News

The Evidence Gap - A Big Hypertension Study, and Its Minimal Impact - NYTimes.com - A link for something related to my work, even!

Concrete casts new light in dull rooms - optics.org - Transparent concrete!

Keys Can be Copied From Afar, Jacobs School Computer Scientists Show

The Top 10 Architectural Wonders of Dubai | StyleCrave - I’ll be there next month!

YouTube - Hans Rosling: No more boring data: TEDTalks - Wonderful short talk by an ex-Swedish stat professor using technology for a new Google startup, Gapminder.org - For a fact based world view.


Bollywood Sex Symbols: Thirty Sexiest Actresses | Gunaxin - OK, no good reason to post this, but after Prea got me hooked on some Bollywood movies, it’s hard not to notice. Guess there’s an advantage to having near a billion people - lots of folks on the edge of the bell curves in talent, brains & looks! (even with such poor infrastructure)

Is Having Sex with a Robot Hooker Cheating? Revisited - Asylum - Amusing short debate.

Books: Ten of the Kinkiest Science Fiction Books You'll Ever Read - I’ve actually read a couple of these (& agree) and had a couple more recommended.

Texas Pastor’s Advice for Better Marriage - More Sex, More Often - NYTimes.com


ROTTEN TOMATOES: 10th Annual Golden Tomatoes - I’m hosting another Oscars party this year. It’s a shame there weren’t more of the movies from RT in the Oscars. Mainly disappointed The Dark Knight didn’t get more nominations - what a great movie! So guess I’ll be cheering on Slumdog Millionnaire (& Wall-E as I’m still in disbelief that Kung Fu Panda won all the Annie awards!)

Topless Robot - The 10 Most Disturbing Puppets Ever Shown on TV - Sadly, I’ve seen most of these and agree. If they ever showed Meet the Feebles, that would be numero uno!

The Screens Issue - If You Liked This, Sure to Love That - Winning the Netflix Prize - NYTimes.com - Was just discussing this with statistics faculty today at lunch. Here’s a nice radio interview about it from On the Media.

Topless Robot - The 10 Greatest Zombie Films of All Time (with Evidence)

The Muppets take over TODAY - allDAY - msnbc.com - Cute clips, but seems like a long FAO Schwarz muppet advert.

Topless Robot - The 8 Most Underrated Muppets - again, more memory lane muppet joy!

THIS WOULD’VE BEEN A BETTER COMMERCIAL | FilmDrunk - If you’ve EVER played Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you need to watch this home made video. Outstanding!

Topless Robot - This Is Why You Don't Wear Red - Remember when we’d see someone on Star Trek wear the red uniform? Crazy compilation worth see if only for the cultural reference.

Topless Robot - EGM, R.I.P. - This was THE games magazine to read for the 90s & even beyond (I know Josh was shocked when I showed him this). Farewell!

Politics/(Not so) Current Events:

Neb. parents rush to leave kids before law changes - Yahoo! News - Something I imagine many of you heard about back in November.

Why Justice Lawyers Defied President Bush | Newsweek National News

Bush's Final F.U. : Rolling Stone

Assessing the Bush years | The frat boy ships out | The Economist - I see a theme here. Winking

Report: U.S. Power Will Fade By 2025, National Intelligence Council Predicts

FiveThirtyEight.com: Electoral Projections Done Right: What In The Hell Happened in Alaska? - The BEST site to watch before the elections. Had lots of good articles on possible shenanigans happening in a few states (like Nebraska, Minnesota & Alaska).

ACLU: 2/3 of US population lives in "Constitution-free" zone - another reason to live in the midwest! Winking


Winston finally had to concede he might « Lolcats - reminds me of TB, but a whole lot funnier!

xkcd - A Webcomic - I'm An Idiot - I showed lolcat & xkcd pics in some of my rheumatology seminars. Very few laughed - another sign that I’m out of touch? One of the doctors thought I had made them up myself. Happy

The Mystery of the Yellow Line Video - all about the Yellow Line used in American football coverage. I learned a lot and was surprised as to how much tech goes into it! Now, if only they could get rid of those stupid chains (I know, blasphemy!)

New Year, No Limits: Maddison Motorcyle Jump - ESPN Video - Insane NYE jump!

Play Auditorium - Addictive, pretty & musical browser puzzle game.

Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » design guide: omaha, nebraska - Special blog of places to visit in Omaha!

Crystal Head Vodka - So hard to express how I feel after watching Dan Akroyd advertise this new vodka. Feel free to send me a bottle! Happy

moosebutter - Hilarious & talented a cappella group that did the best mash up of John Williams tunes in a Star Wars compilation. Unfortunately the video is now off of youtube, but still worth listening to.

A few more thoughts - links!

Google launches White Space Offensive with new web site - so much bandwidth out there yet to be used! (why can’t I get my cell to work at my home, yet?)

Time to kick out some olympic sports - I didn’t give you the one with Peyton Manning trying to get American Football in the olympics, but I tend to agree with a lot of these. The medals race was interesting and a sign that there are a lot of “minor” individual events out there - though unfortunate events like the decathlon and others that are less specialized have been demoted in the public eye.

Maker Faire - the science fair for adults! (coming to Austin soon) Make magazine rocks!

NASA - Strange clouds on the edge of space - Noctilucent clouds way way high up!

Lost Temple of Doom Theme Song - this was “found” recently by L B Rayne. I found it catchy and appropriate for my 80s month theme and funny, ok, that’s enough praise that they’ll probably “find” many more now! (Archaeology isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!)

Goblin shark caught on video - whoa, I thought I was almost over my fear of sharks, but the “Aliens” like mandible on this rarely seen creature is crazy!

Japan is working hard on the world’s largest synchrotron. Interesting science, but also of note as the US “falls behind” in its basic research budgets.

Takashi Murakami’s video for Kanye West’s “Good Morning”. Seems rare to see such anime work for Hip-Hop music - both are good!

There’s talk of a new Muppet movie and possible revival of the series (woot!). After more inspection, I uncovered some new Henson studio work on entertainment for adults, including this 10 min “web pilot” for Alien Boot Camp on Logo (one of the gay tv stations) called Tinseltown.

Possible that the world record ($100,000) prime number has been found. But the main reason I have this is to see the strangeness of a math article written for the public (Scientific American). So poorly written - He uses “9.808358 million” which just happens to equal 9,808,358. Also, “French smarty-pants”?

Christopher Lee knows that booze really heals - a funny musical number from the movie The Return of Captain Invincible. If you enjoyed Rocky Horror, you’ll like this! Now where’s my drink?

An old hilarious comedy gymnastics routine from Paul Hunt from a few years ago - a good one to end on - enjoy the holiday!
