Jan 2008

So many links, such few minutes...

A lot has happened in the past 2 weeks, but that requires many new pics, so for now I'll just catch you up on some of the web sites that have educated and/or entertained me recently. Happy

I really like HD-DVDs, in comparison to Bluray Discs. The upconversion on regular DVDs are great (ie. play a regular DVD on an HD-DVD player on HDTV and it looks almost high-def). They're cheaper, easier to make and the technology is mature whereas the only current BD players that will work with the discs that come out next fall is the Playstation3. Plus, it's Sony being all proprietary again (which is why I don't own a Sony camera or TV). Anyway, here's a nice business article about BD winning by Sony buying out Warner and one about HDs price drops (I went ahead and got a few more for just over $10 recently).

So, for those that missed it, MacWorld had their Steve Jobs keynote recently (visit apple to view). Since the future of my HD-DVD player's usefulness is questionable, I'm more interested in downloaded HD video content. Here's a comparison on the main 2 consumer HD download movie rentals (xbox live & apple tv). Still happy with my xbox360. Plus, quick review matrix of MacBook Air. It looks very sleek!

Back to the home cinema theme - check out these! Some day... some day... Winking

Is this (noca) how we'll be making all our future online payments? I would be happy to find a credit-alternative that has no fees for the seller.

News article on kite-powered cargo ship - fuel efficient shipping of the future is here now?

Interesting card-trick video. Something out of psych 101? View it & let me know if you figured it out!

OK, the next two links have a lot of foul language, so don't click if that bothers you.
The 5 most horrifying bugs in the world - while I had heard of all of these at different times, the humor of the article and some of the pics reminded me of the fun I was missing. Winking
From the Onion, pho-editorial by Jimmy Carter called "I Got What America Needs Right Here". Wrong, but hilarious!

Continuing on politics, Legacy table of George W Bush's Presidency - what he started with, where things currently are. Yes, very sad, though biased & silly at places - but short!

Ex-US Congressman Mark Deli Siljander now charged in terror conspiracy (from Kansas City!)

Not quite related, but fascinating map of leading church bodies in the US. Since college I would tell others that in high-school we often differentiated each other by which church we attended. Now I see that KS does have quite the variety where we were!

Sad and long article about where and how Bobby Fischer is festering.

Bloomberg article about a free-sex brothel called Big Sister, that apparently is catching on big time.

Lastly, real-life love story of Chinese couple - man carves 6K steps for his wife.

Brain foods

Been busier with work over the past week than I had hoped to be in a long while. Late nights, weekends... reminds me of graduate school all over again, or that I didn't do much on the days I took off for the holidays and now I pay the price. Today's post is actually thematic, let's see if you can figure it out. Winking

Some great quotes from Einstein - just ignore the blogger's interpretation of them. Though I can't help but think about Einstein and so many other geniuses did their greatest work in their 20s...

Been playing more rock band, but hoping to reduce the loudness of playing the drums this way. Bang your head!

Interesting and impressive application of magnets to create a working motor, reminds me of asymetrical fields I used in grad school to sort membrane proteins... ok, there is a similarity, but it's likely non-obvious.

Hilarious self-mocking video of Bill Gates post-Microsoft, something that gives Steve Jobs and others a run for their money in the humor and coolness department.

The Washington Post just put up McGovern's OpEd. Yes, something I, too, have questioned often as to how we could impeach Clinton and proceed for it with Nixon, but not the current Bush/Cheney duo.

Here's a list of 20 Super Brain Foods. Or, just made me feel good to know that I eat plenty of these. Now, where are the packaged/processed ones that supposedly are even better for the brain? Don't I drink a Coke Zero every afternoon for a reason?

Lastly, second thoughts on life, the universe and everything by the world's best brains. Not sure about world's best brains, but short and some interesting thoughts.

New Year, old links

Let's start out with a more realistic plan for the world's largest building in Moscow - gotta put that oil money to good use!

And, as I look for more ideas for the home theater, how about this BatCave model?

With the holidays behind us, how about this huge collection of crying babies with Santa Clause?

Very similar to a murder mystery technique, but this was in real life - kiss of death.

Another link to zero punctuations videao game review - this time on Guitar Hero 3. I find myself stuck on the final 1-2 songs on hard level and they are currently impossible for my hands to beat. Very vulgar humor, but if you can get over that, you may be laughing a lot like me.

If you have access to the journal Nature, here's a recent article about scientists working over holidays. I myself took my first day off for 2007 yesterday (Dec 31) and only went to work for an hour and felt weird about it all still. Happy

NYTimes article on the psychology of perfectionism. Something that describes many of us at different times...

A poster, Death and Taxes, that is a gorgeous way to show where the US spends its money. Adding it to my annual wish list now...

Continuing on this theme, Congress & Bush has done it again by gutting funding for Fermilab - where I got my second big start in physics research. Drives me nuts to see so many brilliant minds have to leave physics research due to lack of funding and have to deal with an up/down budget process. Oh the stories I have...

There's a wonderful site, boardgamegeek.com, that has reviews of every non-electric game that exists and a large supporting community for games. I've set up my profile on it, though not fully up to date, hoping to at least keep track of my games (so many, and so many I haven't played!). Let me know if you're on here, too!

Lastly, while my parents were here we looked at >100 pics on icanhascheezburger.com and cried with laughter with almost each one. This one isn't as funny, but still damn cute (yes, it has the bunny theme)!