To salvage the blog links or not

Some are very out of date, but here’s a few gems that tickled my fancy from the past few months. I wouldn’t have taken the effort to put them here if I didn’t think you’d find something to appreciate. Enjoy! Laugh


Physics the Next President Needs to Know | Wired Science

Stop Government Interference With Science : NPR

Richard Feynman on Boltzmann Brains | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

Scientists discover new forest with undiscovered species on Google Earth - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Drillers break into magma chamber - VERY impressive, reminds me of journey to the center of the earth. Any “Vernians” among us?

Baby born during trans-Atlantic flight to Boston - Yahoo! News

The Evidence Gap - A Big Hypertension Study, and Its Minimal Impact - - A link for something related to my work, even!

Concrete casts new light in dull rooms - - Transparent concrete!

Keys Can be Copied From Afar, Jacobs School Computer Scientists Show

The Top 10 Architectural Wonders of Dubai | StyleCrave - I’ll be there next month!

YouTube - Hans Rosling: No more boring data: TEDTalks - Wonderful short talk by an ex-Swedish stat professor using technology for a new Google startup, - For a fact based world view.


Bollywood Sex Symbols: Thirty Sexiest Actresses | Gunaxin - OK, no good reason to post this, but after Prea got me hooked on some Bollywood movies, it’s hard not to notice. Guess there’s an advantage to having near a billion people - lots of folks on the edge of the bell curves in talent, brains & looks! (even with such poor infrastructure)

Is Having Sex with a Robot Hooker Cheating? Revisited - Asylum - Amusing short debate.

Books: Ten of the Kinkiest Science Fiction Books You'll Ever Read - I’ve actually read a couple of these (& agree) and had a couple more recommended.

Texas Pastor’s Advice for Better Marriage - More Sex, More Often -


ROTTEN TOMATOES: 10th Annual Golden Tomatoes - I’m hosting another Oscars party this year. It’s a shame there weren’t more of the movies from RT in the Oscars. Mainly disappointed The Dark Knight didn’t get more nominations - what a great movie! So guess I’ll be cheering on Slumdog Millionnaire (& Wall-E as I’m still in disbelief that Kung Fu Panda won all the Annie awards!)

Topless Robot - The 10 Most Disturbing Puppets Ever Shown on TV - Sadly, I’ve seen most of these and agree. If they ever showed Meet the Feebles, that would be numero uno!

The Screens Issue - If You Liked This, Sure to Love That - Winning the Netflix Prize - - Was just discussing this with statistics faculty today at lunch. Here’s a nice radio interview about it from On the Media.

Topless Robot - The 10 Greatest Zombie Films of All Time (with Evidence)

The Muppets take over TODAY - allDAY - - Cute clips, but seems like a long FAO Schwarz muppet advert.

Topless Robot - The 8 Most Underrated Muppets - again, more memory lane muppet joy!

THIS WOULD’VE BEEN A BETTER COMMERCIAL | FilmDrunk - If you’ve EVER played Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you need to watch this home made video. Outstanding!

Topless Robot - This Is Why You Don't Wear Red - Remember when we’d see someone on Star Trek wear the red uniform? Crazy compilation worth see if only for the cultural reference.

Topless Robot - EGM, R.I.P. - This was THE games magazine to read for the 90s & even beyond (I know Josh was shocked when I showed him this). Farewell!

Politics/(Not so) Current Events:

Neb. parents rush to leave kids before law changes - Yahoo! News - Something I imagine many of you heard about back in November.

Why Justice Lawyers Defied President Bush | Newsweek National News

Bush's Final F.U. : Rolling Stone

Assessing the Bush years | The frat boy ships out | The Economist - I see a theme here. Winking

Report: U.S. Power Will Fade By 2025, National Intelligence Council Predicts Electoral Projections Done Right: What In The Hell Happened in Alaska? - The BEST site to watch before the elections. Had lots of good articles on possible shenanigans happening in a few states (like Nebraska, Minnesota & Alaska).

ACLU: 2/3 of US population lives in "Constitution-free" zone - another reason to live in the midwest! Winking


Winston finally had to concede he might « Lolcats - reminds me of TB, but a whole lot funnier!

xkcd - A Webcomic - I'm An Idiot - I showed lolcat & xkcd pics in some of my rheumatology seminars. Very few laughed - another sign that I’m out of touch? One of the doctors thought I had made them up myself. Happy

The Mystery of the Yellow Line Video - all about the Yellow Line used in American football coverage. I learned a lot and was surprised as to how much tech goes into it! Now, if only they could get rid of those stupid chains (I know, blasphemy!)

New Year, No Limits: Maddison Motorcyle Jump - ESPN Video - Insane NYE jump!

Play Auditorium - Addictive, pretty & musical browser puzzle game.

Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » design guide: omaha, nebraska - Special blog of places to visit in Omaha!

Crystal Head Vodka - So hard to express how I feel after watching Dan Akroyd advertise this new vodka. Feel free to send me a bottle! Happy

moosebutter - Hilarious & talented a cappella group that did the best mash up of John Williams tunes in a Star Wars compilation. Unfortunately the video is now off of youtube, but still worth listening to.