weekly links

We'll start and end with comedy. First, something that if you watched the show during the day, you'd probably do a triple take on this very short clip after The People's Court.

Myths and falsehoods about global warming

Make your xbox into a great media center (I collect this as I still have yet to do it with mine, but from my friends who have done it, it's amazing!)

On xbox theme, I did purchase more than my fair share of Halo 3 Mountain Dew, pre-ordered the game (comes out next week or so), but this is still another leap in great licensing. The Halo3 Pontiac G6.

The last take on computer games in humor form - the ultimate MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) - Outside! Which goes along nicely with the South Park episode, Make Love Not Warcraft, which won an Emmy last week for best animated short show.