Another week zoomed by w links

So another week gone by. Went to Chicago on Wed for an all day ACR meeting, got some press coverage (links 1 & 2) and last night Uncle Mark drove up in a stretched Hummer and we chilled and played cards (though I'm sure more than one neighbor was curious). Bombing the house today to get rid of the fleas and spiders in the basement (perfect weather to be outside with kittens, snacks and book) and working and watching football (yeah!).

Video of amazing homemade "machines" - though the Japanese jingle gets old quickly, the creativity doesn't.

All over the interwebs this week were jokes at Miss Teen South Carolina's expense (though FTLOG, I couldn't believe how horrible her response was!). Here's a web site collecting maps for Us (plus a clip of the teen's statement).

Funny pic (warning, old video game reference).

For those that finished the latest Harry Potter book, here's the best review I've seen written by Stephen King (yes, that Stephen King).