Can't resist

Too many new links not to share before the weekend. In order, of course.

First, if you listen to NPR, Marketplace or surf the web, you likely have heard that Radiohead's new album, In Rainbows, was released today only by downloading from their site and paying whatever you want to pay them. I gave them 3.45 lbs (~$7) and am happy with the album, though the audiophile in me wishes it was a higher bitrate. (yes, you can download it for free, too)

A Nation of Christians is not a Christian Nation - oped piece in the NYTimes this week. It's a short one, but I couldn't find the better comments I heard recently with the writer of a new book about the history of Christianity in the US. Email from friends/family that talk about how the US was founded upon/within Christianity and how it should be a greater part of our government tire me - and yes, I disagree completely. Not that it didn't influence the founders and many in it now, but we don't need to become a Christian nation/government any more than the world needs another Muslim or Buddhist Theocracy.

This probably shouldn't be on YouTube, and I haven't taken the time to watch it, yet, but I hear good things about this 60 min documentary on The Life of Buddha.

While we're on religion, back to the issues closest to my heart... or at least see an amusing news article on the FSM.

OK, last week I wrote about putting up $ for the incoming SmartUSA car, but anyone going to do the same with this 300 mpg "car"?

Here's an impressive short video from NASA showing a comet getting it's tail ripped off by a solar eruption.

And, finally, a good article about why email and IM aren't so good for communication (at least compared to being in person with someone). I've noticed plenty of times interpreting mood/emotion incorrectly (and being misinterpreted, too).

OK, now I'm free to return back to work. Winking