tongue action

It’s been a full weekend! Actually, the main thing that separates this weekend from the others is that I’ve made a bit of time to write a note about it here! Happy Don’t ever let me complain about not keeping myself occupied - always something new even if the actions or the way of experiencing it isn’t.

During lunch on Saturday I bit my tongue by accident surprisingly hard. I was embarrassed by it and didn’t say anything and soon forgot about it (though I wasn’t about to do it again!). Later in the day I noticed how my mouth was hurting and how it was painful to swallow anything. I didn’t investigate, but got ice cream (it was a great spring day) and all was better. Looked in the mirror and found that I had removed a small strip of the side of my tongue! It was swollen and had the teeth marks from where I punctured it. No wonder it hurt! Dinner was ridiculous, so I found ice cream again (root beer float) as well as some sake to burn/heal the wound.

Watched Sunshine in the home theater. Apparently it’s listed as one of the most beautiful movies in the last 10 years (see links) - directed by Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle. While I expected a space sci-fi R-movie to have lots of people killed by some alien/computer, I was delightfully surprised with this one - yes, people still got killed. My only complaint was that it should have created more of a sense of what was truly at stake back on Earth, but that would have required a bigger effects budget, I suppose.

Later on Saturday I went to Omaha’s The Maxx, a gay dance club. A decent size one that was packed with techno/house dance floor and an R&B floor. I was surprised that such a place existed as I’d been missing the many places to dance back in SF. And, yes, I still have the moves... though am also still out of shape! Happy

Back on track with the sun exposure, spend most of today pruning outdoor plants, cleaning and being domestic as it’s the first spring weekend that I’ve actually been home - what a treat! Tonight was movie night - showed Immortal Beloved. Nice to experience in the home theater.

TB & QBert continue to lose weight - they’re looking very good and are much more active now. The diet of 6 months really has made a difference! Now it’s a matter of letting all of the extra skin (& fur!) come back.

I’ve been keeping a daily update on Facebook this year - wish I could export them all as they do a good summary of what I’ve been up to. The daily twitter of sorts. I wrapped up an NIH challenge grant this week - it’s competitive, but no clue if that means it’ll get funded. It’s such a crapshoot it seems.

Thanks for reading - and nice to be able to write! Keep smiling! Laugh