Link update

Wow, seems like only a week, but it's been 3! Here are the links, the life update will come tomorrow. Catchup before I leave for Paris (and before the new iPhone is announced!)

One of my favorite recent movies, the overambitious Donnie Darko. I'll be showing it in the home theater this summer, but if you've seen it, here's a followup article on it. Everything you were afraid to ask about "Donnie Darko" -

It's likely not a coincidence of the timing of this announcement - the Phoenix lander on Mars (and uncovering the near-surface ice!), the upcoming X-files movie and relapse to the paranoia of aliens instead of terrorists. It does make me wonder if they know something and are preparing others for an announcement. Happy
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens - Yahoo! News

Who Owns the Moon? Lunar Property Rights - Real Estate on the Moon - Popular Mechanics

One of the funniest niche-hobby sites I've seen (that isn't ICHC or theonion) - BEE DOGS! (Bee sure to read the transition text to each page - I was amazed at how many pictures of beedogs there are!)

OK, another funny picture - in fact, I laughed so hard I cried on this one. Neither dog was injured, but it's still so damn funny. Excellent demonstration of conservation of momentum!

Biggest Drawing In the World (also an advertisement for DHL).

A lot of the physicists I worked with at Fermilab came up from TX after this project was canned. It's sad, but I'm glad the LHC at CERN is up in action. USA, don't give up on your basic science research! Super Collider lab now gathering weeds near Dallas | - Houston Chronicle

Another link to CERN - YouTube - The Grid (the Internet of the near future?)

Technology Review: Pretty on the Inside ("3D" pictures of cells)

I linked to stories of the strange dieing-off of the honeybees last year. Still a problem! Last flight of the honeybee? Alison Benjamin reports on a very real threat | Environment |

Something closely related to my research in the NYTimes. Personal Health - An Update on Jane E. Brody's Total Knee Replacement Surgery, 3 Years Later

Lovers and liars: How many sex partners have you really had? (Interesting research)

And a couple comics from a wonderful and eclectic online strip, xkcd. Described as xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe - Fortune Cookies (something I often do), and I am also an ex-marching band drum major - this would happen to me as I often walk to the beat in stores. Happy
