Take me down to Sesame Street
Just some quick links I forgot to include yesterday - whew, a lot this week!

First, it was in the 70sF outside on Monday - a gorgeous day! Didn't even have a cool wind or anything. Yesterday was tremendously dismal with grey skies and a high in 30s (it's really hard to imagine such a change from one day to the next!). Waking up today to watching snow come down! Makes me appreciate this cat. (by the way, it's been hard to hold back with so many funny lolcats on the past few months)

Sesame Street just came out with 2 volumes of their "old school" programs (440 mins each, yowsers!). Nice NYTimes article on it and lots in the news about how it's now inappropriate for youngsters (lots of changes over the years). I watched this old stuff and turned out ok... *twitch* *twitch* Winking

Maybe one of the best placed online ads I've seen (for Mac) - be sure to turn on the volume.
cats... mostly
Figured I needed to use the humor category at least once to excuse its existence.

Cat takes bus regularly.

All lolcats on flickr.

The classic cheezburger one.

And, of course, a non-cat that still isn't old - Tyson the skateboarding bulldog.
