Busy Card of Complaints

Today was a big day at work - I got my business cards!

It's unbelievable the entrenched machines that are institutions. I spent a few days trying to modify this card. I ended up arguing with the printer directly in trying to get "email" and "mailing address" removed from the card (redundant!), but they are required by the public relations of the university (or something to that effect). I also couldn't put my NDB affiliation on the other side (I'll do it manually myself later on) to make it a dual-use card (it's annoying to have 2 cards for one person!). My only success was in getting the two top lines of the lower left there instead of them being large in the middle below my name (these small victories!).

Did I mention that my huge institution doesn't recycle plastic? I'm doing it on my own for now (as they do recycle it at my home).

I got my diplomas put on the wall in my office - they had to put in a work order for it. Also, apparently Coke Zero isn't on the allowed drinks available through the university (not to worry, I bring in my own). Yes, I'm on a roll. These aren't all complaints, more observations. I know I'll probably pick on something important to me at some point to rise up and change, but for now I'm learning and only slightly resisting. My wonderful "boss" gave me a book called "Orbiting the Giant Hairball" last spring and it seems so relevant here (and back at Stanford, etc).

I got a pneumonia vaccine injection yesterday. My arm is killing me and the numbness/pain woke me a few times in the night and kept me wide awake all day today. Funny how pain can stimulate the mind. Even a headache, but then it's harder to think. Still have some symptoms, but it's a different kind of pain. Maybe this is what institutional pain is about? Winking The logical expanse from this is that various pain can be very beneficial in doses. (so, yes I have no need to start my own Fight Club any time soon)

Oh, and it seems everyone in the midwest is on eastern time - ie. they go to bed and get up at the exact same time they do in NY. This is unfortunate as back on west coast time not only did we get up later and leave work later, we were already 3 hrs behind eastern time zone! Needless to say, I'm finding it difficult to transition. Still working late... though starting a new wake up system - getting the heater to change to let me know when I should be out of the house (it gets cold!). Happy