Where are my flour tortilla chips?!

Since I haven’t posted in over a month, I decided it should be encouraged to post shorter, more succinct items in order to make this worth subscribing to! Happy

So, last year Angela brought this Tostitos spinach dip along with Tostitos flour tortilla chips. It was a great combination, but didn’t work nearly as well with other chips (corn, potato, etc). Last month I bought a large container of this said dip, but then noticed the store didn’t have the chips anymore. Over the past month I’ve visited the other 4 large grocery store chains here, two local specialty stores, a Mexican grocery and Whole Foods... NONE of them carried any flour tortilla chips! I finally had success with a local Mexican restaurant, but the chips have to be eaten that night as they go bad by the next day.

Who knew this would become such an issue... I can get lots of tropical fruit and items that were grown across the world, but I can’t get flour tortilla chips. Nice to have such problems to worry about. Winking

Be sure to check out the latest picture of the cats in the K...Pics section. Was hard to get them to jump on my lap with the new Christmas decor to distract them (this was one of several taken).